Friday, June 26, 2015

Chapter 6 - Increasing the Love

Chapter 6 - Increasing the Love

Chapter 6 explores various methods cities could pursue to increase the love of its inhabitants. What are some ways that you love the city you live in? What are some things a city like Detroit could do or continue to do to increase the love?


  1. Whether it's the city I live in, or Detroit, I feel one of the best ways to create love for a city is by offering ways to people to get involved and get connected. When city's pursue community activities, such as street faire's, festivals or outreach initiatives, it allows people to bond over their city, as well as communicate ways to build upon/improve the community.

    1. I agree, because of the fact that while a company can increase the love in a city, when a community does it, its more personal because of the fact that they are on the same level as you and can relate to you on multiple facets.

    2. I agree Mike. Activities that bring the community together, especially through arts is a great way for people to connect with one another. Events that encourage use of city parks and other public areas is a great way for people to get connected with their environment and the families that live in it.

    3. I love my city by sharing it. I speak highly of my city because I am proud of its progress. When I was growing up, me and my friends didn't go to Wyandotte-we just didn't. The people didn't look like us and often it was our experience,or the experience of those close to us, that unless you were Chris Webber playing basketball at Pulaski Park, you weren't wanted there if you were black. I also stay involved. I go to city council meetings because I care what happens in my city. I think Detroit, especially today with all of its community events,museums and restaurants, is easy to love. The most important thing I think that has pulled people back into a love relationship with the city of Detroit is that now, when people think of Detroit, they think of a city with hope. I think Detroit's best days are still ahead.

    4. I love my city by sharing it. I speak highly of my city because I am proud of its progress. When I was growing up, me and my friends didn't go to Wyandotte-we just didn't. The people didn't look like us and often it was our experience,or the experience of those close to us, that unless you were Chris Webber playing basketball at Pulaski Park, you weren't wanted there if you were black. I also stay involved. I go to city council meetings because I care what happens in my city. I think Detroit, especially today with all of its community events,museums and restaurants, is easy to love. The most important thing I think that has pulled people back into a love relationship with the city of Detroit is that now, when people think of Detroit, they think of a city with hope. I think Detroit's best days are still ahead.

    5. Ayana -

      I agree that it is important to stay involved with your city. Beyond voting, I make sure I read the local Southfield/Lathrup Village newspaper so I know what is happening. When I am out of the Metro Detroit area, I keep any negative opinions to myself. Detroit has quite a bit to offer, so I do not want to scare people off with talk that plays into misconceptions about the city exhibited in the media.

    6. Mike -

      I agree with your comment about the importance of street fairs and other activities that allow people to share a common purpose. Personally, I am not one who enjoys being around thousands of people at a time. Perhaps, it is my height, but it makes me feel vulnerable with the exception of more controlled situations like sporting events.

  2. I love the street market's, the various popup events around the city, and the fact that music is at the forefront of every part of the city. Like for example, in Southwest Detroit, there is a big scene for breakdancing and hip hop which I didn't know of growing up. I think something that can increase the love is more open creativity events like if there was an art fair that stretched throughout corktown for example. I think things like that would help increase the love, even if it was small.

    1. I think anytime you can create an atmosphere where there is music and love for the arts, it has the potential to bring out the best in a community.

  3. Art. Music. Food - the cultural life of the city. Those are the innately human things that we all respond to and connect with one another over. Those are the things that can usually transcend all the boundaries - political, economic, etc. - that separate people, and those are the things that will give you the best, most diverse, experiences and help to create a sense of community. I love coming to Detroit for those great experiences like discovering a good restaurant, going to art shows, going to concerts, just having fun. Sure, Detroit needs to improve some basic services for the people who live here, and make them feel safer and more a part of the city, but I don't know that Detroiters are lacking in love for their city, so maybe it's just time for Detroit to show a little more love for its inhabitants.
