Friday, July 17, 2015

Conclusion - "For the Love of Cities"

Please read the concluding chapter of the book, “For the Love of Cities.” In the last paragraph, the author - Peter Kageyama - challenges us to become emotionally engaged with your city. He advises:

“Start small. Make a simple gesture. Then another. Then another. Make it easier to make your imprint. Open your hearts and make up new things. This is our work, and frontiers are all around us.”

Taking this message into account, what “simple gesture” will you take on the path to “loving your city” (either Detroit or your hometown)?

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Chapter Nine:Spreading the Love-Engaging the Co-Creators

Chapter 9 expands on what we've learned from Chapter 8-now that we know who the co-creators are, how do we keep them and attract new ones? All I could think of during the reading of this chapter is BURNOUT. We're introduced to Teresa Greenlees who says that she just doesn't think she has the same fire as a mover and a shaker in her community as she had in the past. Can you recall a time that you once could identify yourself as a co-creator? What has changed? Why doesn't the title "co-creator" fit anymore?

Monday, July 6, 2015

Chapter 8: For the Love of Cities

Chapter 8 talks about the importance of co-creators - the starters, builders, educators, connectors, provocateurs, tastemakers, and champions - for the life of a city. What kinds of things are co-creators doing in your city? How are you a co-creator for either Detroit, or for the city in which you currently live? Are there things that you are doing now or want to do in the future to contribute to the life of your city?

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Chapter Seven: Love Notes

During the seventh chapter, we see that love notes in a city can be man-made or organic in the city and can possibly create memories and love for someone in a city. What places in the city of Detroit create that feeling for you and are these places  organic or man-made? Do you feel as though a man-made love note can have the same type of community impact that a organic love note does?

Friday, June 26, 2015

Chapter 6 - Increasing the Love

Chapter 6 - Increasing the Love

Chapter 6 explores various methods cities could pursue to increase the love of its inhabitants. What are some ways that you love the city you live in? What are some things a city like Detroit could do or continue to do to increase the love?

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Week 5 - What Makes Cities Loveable? "What do we love? What do we hate?"

The majority of our team live in surrounding cities of Detroit. However, some of us were born and raised, but all of us work and play here. What do you love about Detroit (social awareness, culture, people, food, green initiatives, philanthropic opportunities, professional/educational opportunities, social activities, etc)? What do you hate about Detroit (social awareness, culture, people, food, green initiatives, philanthropic opportunities, professional/educational opportunities, social activities, etc)?

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Week 4 - Chapter 4: The Continuum of Engagement

This chapter is all about how we engage with our cities. We already touched on that slightly in week 1, but to go deeper: Could you ever run for mayor in your city (or township supervisor, as the case may be)? What changes would cause you to engage more significantly with the place you live in? Finally, would you consider moving to a bigger city, and do you agree that your level of engagement would go down in that atmosphere?