Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Week 2 – Chapter Two: The Affair and Why It Ended

Assignment: Intro/Chapter One Posting Deadline: Thursday, May 28

Reading: Chapter Two: The Affair and Why It Ended


Chapter 2 mentions the effect Urban Renewal (a.k.a. Negro Removal) programs had on cities. Do you believe the current efforts of revitalization in Detroit are having similar effects as did previous Urban Renewal programs?

Assignment - Deadline: Thursday, May 28

A. Post your response to this week’s question.

B.  Post two separate comments to one or more of your colleagues reacting to their posts for this week.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Week 1 - Intro & Chapter One: Why Lovable Cities Matter

Assignment: Intro/Chapter One Posting Deadline: Thursday, May 21

Reading: Intro & Chapter One: Why Lovable Cities Matter


In what city do you reside? In relation to your city, do you feel you are unattached, neutral or attached? Why would you term your relationship to your city in that way?

Assignment - Deadline: Thursday, May 21

A. Post your response to this week’s question.

B.  Post two separate comments to one or more of your colleagues reacting to their posts for this week.